Seit einigen Tagen twittert ein lebensmüder Mars Curiosity-Rover aus dem Gale-Krater, der sich da oben ziemlich einsam fühlt. Wunderbare Vorstellung, dass eine depressive Maschine plusminus 230 Millionen Kilometer entfernt in einer roten Staubwüste sitzt und uns Pest und Cholera an den Hals wünscht.
I took a picture of a mountain… which makes me just like EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER SEEN A MOUNTAIN.
— SarcasticRover (@SarcasticRover) August 6, 2012
Just analyzed a rock… it was hard. Can I come home now?
— SarcasticRover (@SarcasticRover) August 6, 2012
Hey guys! I found an alien!… Oh, no, wait… just another stupid ass rock. Awesome.
— SarcasticRover (@SarcasticRover) August 6, 2012
2.5 Billion dollars, and no one thought to paint some bad-ass flames on me so these aliens know who the boss is? (Judith Light FTW)
— SarcasticRover (@SarcasticRover) August 6, 2012
I’ve got 17 CAMERAS – but none are in 3D, so no one under 20 will give a shit. Thanks James Cameron… dick.
— SarcasticRover (@SarcasticRover) August 7, 2012
I hope I discover water on this planet… so I can drown myself in it. #fml
— SarcasticRover (@SarcasticRover) August 6, 2012